Discrete Phase Space, String-Like Phase Cells, and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Anadijiban Das *

Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A1S6, Canada.

Sourav Haldar

Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700 032, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The discrete phase space representation of quantum mechanics involving a characteristic length is investigated. The continuous (1 + 1)-dimensional phase space is first discussed for the sake of simplicity. It is discretized into denumerable infinite number of concentric circles. These circles, endowed with “unit area”, are degenerate phase cells resembling closed strings.

Next, Schrödinger wave equation for one particle in the three dimensional space under the influence of a static potential is studied in the discrete phase space representation of wave mechanics. The Schrödinger equation in the arena of discrete phase space is a partial difference equation. The energy eigenvalue problem for a three dimensional oscillator is exactly solved.

Next, relativistic wave equations in the scenario of three dimensional discrete phase space and continuous time are explored. Specially, the partial finite difference-differential equation for a scalar field is investigated for the sake of simplicity. The exact relativistic invariance of the partial finite difference-differential version of the Klein-Gordon equation is rigorously proved. Moreover, it is shown that all nine important Green’s functions of the partial finite difference-differential wave equation for the scalar field are non-singular.

In the appendix, a possible physical interpretation for the discrete orbits in the phase space as degenerate, string-like phase cells is provided in a mathematically rigorous way.

Keywords: Quantum theory, string-like phase cells

How to Cite

Das, Anadijiban, and Sourav Haldar. 2018. “Discrete Phase Space, String-Like Phase Cells, and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics”. Physical Science International Journal 17 (2):1-18. https://doi.org/10.9734/PSIJ/2018/37354.