3D Structural Analysis of Otu Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria

T. N. Obiekezie *

Department of Physics and Industrial Physics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

E. E. Bassey

Department of Physics and Industrial Physics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


3D structural analysis was carried out to evaluate the subsurface structures and hydrocarbon trapping potential of Otu Field, Niger Delta using 3D seismic and well log data. Lithologies and hydrocarbons were initially delineated with the aid of gamma ray, deep resistivity, neutron and density logs of wells. The spatial and depth distribution of lithologies were correlated across the wells in the study area. Network of faults were interpreted allowing identification of growth faults which are listric in character. Three horizons, C10, D10 and D31 were identified and mapped to produce the structure maps. The structure maps of the tops of the reservoirs revealed that the hydrocarbon structures are fault assisted anticlinal structures and they correspond to the crest of the rollover anticlines on the seismic sections. The RMS amplitude attribute extracted on the surfaces revealed bright spots on the region of the anticlinal structures which indicates that the field has economic explorable hydrocarbons accumulations.


Keywords: Seismic, horizons, listric, structures, reservoir, Niger delta

How to Cite

N. Obiekezie, T., and E. E. Bassey. 2015. “3D Structural Analysis of Otu Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria”. Physical Science International Journal 7 (2):114-26. https://doi.org/10.9734/PSIJ/2015/16512.