The Influence of Suspended Particles on Jeans Instability in Magneto Quantum Plasma with Thermal Conductivity

D. L. Sutar *

Research Scholar, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Raj.) 312901, India

R. K. Pensia

Department of Physics, Govt. P. G. Girls College, Neemuch (M.P.) 458441, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The Jeans instability in magnetized quantum plasma is investigated by taking into account the thermal conductivity and suspended particles. The general dispersion relation is derived with the help of linearized perturbation equation using the normal mode analysis technique, which is reduced for both the transverse and the longitudinal mode of propagation. In the case of longitudinal propagation, the Jeans criterion of instability is affected by the thermal conductivity and quantum effect but the transverse mode of propagation, the Jeans condition is modified by the thermal conductivity, magnetic field, and quantum parameter. It is observed from curves that, thermal conductivity is destabilizing effect while magnetic field, suspended particles, Stoke drag parameter and quantum parameter have stabilized influence on the growth rate of gravitational instability.  


Keywords: Quantum correction, suspended particles, thermal conductivity, magnetic field and gravitational instability

How to Cite

L. Sutar, D., and R. K. Pensia. 2017. “The Influence of Suspended Particles on Jeans Instability in Magneto Quantum Plasma With Thermal Conductivity”. Physical Science International Journal 13 (2):1-9.