Energy Management Optimizing in Energy HUB with Regard to Pollution and Storage Effects

Gholamreza Sarlak

Department of Electrical Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

Seyed Morteza Moghimi *

Department of Electrical Engineering, Jasb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jasb, Iran

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: This paper reduced total cost of system, generation cost and pollution cost in a proposed HUB (multi carrier energy system) model simultaneously.

Study Design: Model design includes an energy HUB with different characteristics in economic dispatch mode.

Place and Duration of Study: IAU, Iran, November 2014 - February 2016.

Methodology: Scenario model has obtained through DICOPT solver of GAMS software version 24.1.

Results: Using simulation result of the paper, authors have obtained selecting of the best optimal device that has reduced generation cost, pollution cost and total cost.

Conclusion: The paper will be able to get limiting of equipment to unpredictable extra cost that not logged to system (it discusses affect the cost of the system). This paper has developed a hybrid approach for an integrated energy system, ambient temperature and the pollution effects. Therefore, the pollution has saw as output cost of energy HUB. In fact, the pollution has considered as negative yields. Also, the paper has presented optimal scheduling using charging and discharging mechanism equations (effecting of storage) where has reduced by the pollution, the generation and total cost as an objective function in the economic dispatch mode simultaneously.


Keywords: Energy storage, multi carrier energy systems (HUB), optimizing energy, pollution effects

How to Cite

Sarlak, Gholamreza, and Seyed Morteza Moghimi. 2016. “Energy Management Optimizing in Energy HUB With Regard to Pollution and Storage Effects”. Physical Science International Journal 11 (1):1-10.