The Fine-Structure Constant as the Physical- Mathematical MILLENNIUM PROBLEM

Alexey Stakhov *

Institute of the Golden Section, Academy of Trinitarism (Russia), Ontario, Canada

Samuil Aranson

Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, San Diego, USA

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This article solves the problem of variation of fundamental physical-mathematical constant (the fine-structure constant) in dependence of the age of the Universe. This problem has been named by as one of the MILLENNIUM PROBLEMS. The mathematical model of the evolution of the Universe (starting since the “Bing Bang”) called Fibonacci special theory of relativity, underlies this study.


Keywords: Einstein’s special theory of relativity, Einstein’s postulates, relativistic effects, Lorenz transformations, Fibonacci special theory of relativity, the main postulate of the Fibonacci special theory of relativity, millennium problems, fine-structure constant, hyperbolic Fibonacci functions, the “golden” matrix, bifurcation points, material universe, dark and light ages, black hole

How to Cite

Stakhov, Alexey, and Samuil Aranson. 2015. “The Fine-Structure Constant As the Physical- Mathematical MILLENNIUM PROBLEM”. Physical Science International Journal 9 (1):1-36.