Plasmas Computed with ATMED CR of the 4th Non Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Code Comparison Workshop Database
A. J. Benita *
Plasma Atomic Physics Group, Madrid Polytechnic University, 28006 Madrid, Spain and Department of Physics, Las Palmas Canary Islands University, 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
In this paper, there are presented some results calculated with code ATMED CR (ATom MEDium Collisional Radiative) of the 4th Non-LTE Code Comparison Workshop held in December 2005, when this software didn’t exist, having been released in 2017. NLTE population kinetics codes were tested of steady-state cases for C, Ar, Fe, Sn, Xe and Au plasmas selected for detailed comparisons. Apart from analysing dense plasma physics, the scope was expanded including the EUV lithography sources and photoionised plasmas.
The purpose of the paper is to present good results computed of ATMED CR of plasmas proposed in this scientific meeting of 2005. The results for plasma properties can be considered as relatively precise and optimal, being checked fundamentally the high sensitivity of calculations to changes in regions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) or non local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE), electronic and radiation temperatures, electronic density and plasma length. Frequency resolved and mean opacities are also displayed computed with ATMED CR using UTA (Unresolved Transition Array) formalism.
Keywords: Screened hydrogenic atomic model, collisional radiative average atom code, plasmas of NLTE-4 Workshop