Investigations Microrelief of the Surface, Dielectric Properties and Fluorescence Spectrum of Natural Composite - Fish Scales

E. M. Gojayev *

Department of Physics, Azerbaijan Technical University, Javid 25, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan

N. S. Nabiyev

Department of Chemical Physics of Nanomaterials, Baku State University, Azerbaijan

M. A. Ramazanov

Department of Chemical Physics of Nanomaterials, Baku State University, Azerbaijan

K. Sh. Kahramanov

Department of Physics, Azerbaijan Technical University, Javid 25, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan

Sh. V. Alieva

Department of Physics, Azerbaijan Technical University, Javid 25, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan

A. A. Ismailov

Department of Physics, Azerbaijan Technical University, Javid 25, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In this paper, for creating highly sensitive and high-speed devices identified a new type of composite materials-fish scales, which are natural polymers. Fish scales are mineralized layer plates between which are collagen fibers. By the methods of Atomic - Force Microscope (AFM) were investigated surface microrelief in 2D and 3D scale. The frequency dependence of the dielectric constant, dielectric loss, surface density of space charges of natural composite - fish scales of Kutum studied  in the frequency range 0 -103 kHz. Discovered that the main mechanoreceptor units of the lateral line is neyromasty, this contains several sensitive hair cells. These hair cells are similar to the sensory cells of hearing on the receptor cells neyromasty end in the branching efferent nerve fibers. Irritants receptors are streams of water and low-frequency oscillations of the medium. It was also revealed that, in a narrow frequency range 0-1 kHz reduced and in a wide range 1-1000 kHz remains constant. Right and left side fish scales have the same dielectric characteristics.

Using a spectrofluorimeter Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrum studied the fish scale in a wavelength 200-600 nm. It was revealed that, the excitation signal wavelength 396.96, 388, 265.93 and 253.64 of the fluorescence observed at a wavelength of 541.02, 528.96, 362.00, 495.97, respectively, and the intensity of the detected fluorescence peaks almost all comparable intensity of the exciting signal Kutum fish has fluorescent properties and can be successfully used in technology.


Keywords: Kutum fish, fish scales, surface microrelief, dielectric properties, the fluorescence spectrum

How to Cite

M. Gojayev, E., N. S. Nabiyev, M. A. Ramazanov, K. Sh. Kahramanov, Sh. V. Alieva, and A. A. Ismailov. 2015. “Investigations Microrelief of the Surface, Dielectric Properties and Fluorescence Spectrum of Natural Composite - Fish Scales”. Physical Science International Journal 6 (1):45-53.