Super-sech Soliton Dynamics in Optical Metamaterials with Generally Parabolic Law of Nonlinearity Using Lagrangian Variational Method

Amour Ayela

Institut de Math´ematiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP), B´ enin.

Gaston Edah *

D´epartement de Physique, Facult ´e des Sciences et Techniques (FAST), B´ enin.

Camille Elloh

Chaire Internationale de Physique Math´ematique et Applications (CIPMA), B´ enin.

Ga´etan Djossou

Chaire Internationale de Physique Math´ematique et Applications (CIPMA), B´ enin.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims/ Objectives: This paper studies the impact of the generally parabolic law of nonlinearity on the evolution of the energy of super-sech soliton dynamics.
Study Design: generally parabolic law of nonlinearity terms study.

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology(FAST),

University of Abomey Calavi, B´ enin. between Febuary 2018 and January 2019.

Methodology: Variational approach, namely, the Lagrangian Variational Method (LVM) is presented. The different results are obtained using standard fourth order Runge-Kutta method for integration of the system of ordinary differential equation systems.
Results: Dynamics of the different parameters (amplitude, center position, pulse width, chirp, frequency and phase) has been presented with respect to propagating distance.
Conclusion: This study reveals that the generally parabolic law of nonlinearity terms don’t affect the energy of the system but influence the pulse phase.

Keywords: Lagrangian approach, generaly parabolic law, super-sech soliton, metamaterial.

How to Cite

Ayela, Amour, Gaston Edah, Camille Elloh, and Ga´etan Djossou. 2019. “Super-Sech Soliton Dynamics in Optical Metamaterials With Generally Parabolic Law of Nonlinearity Using Lagrangian Variational Method”. Physical Science International Journal 21 (3):1-9.