(Kink; Kink; Kink; Kink) and (Pulse; Pulse; Pulse; Pulse) Solutions of a Set of Four Equations Modeled in a Nonlinear Hybrid Electrical Line with Crosslink Capacitor

Tiague Takongmo Guy *

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé 1, P.O.Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Jean Roger Bogning

Department of Physics, Higher Teacher’s Training College, University of Bamenda, P.O.Box 39, Bamenda, Cameroon.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The physics system that helps us in the study of this paper is a nonlinear hybrid electrical line with crosslink capacitor. Meaning it is composed of two different nonlinear hybrid parts Linked by capacitors with identical constant capacitance. We apply Kirchhoff laws to the circuit of the line to obtain new set of four nonlinear partial differential equations which describe the simultaneous dynamics of four solitary waves. Furthermore, we apply efficient mathematical methods based on the identification of coefficients of basic hyperbolic functions to construct exact solutions of those set of four nonlinear partial differential equations. The obtained results have enabled us to discover that, one of the two nonlinear hybrid electrical line with crosslink capacitor that we have modeled accepts the simultaneous propagation of a set of four solitary waves of type (Pulse; Pulse; Pulse; Pulse), while the other accepts the simultaneous propagation of a set of four solitary waves of type (Kink; Kink; Kink; Kink) when certain conditions we have established are respected. We ameliorate the quality of the signals by changing the sinusoidal waves that are supposed to propagate in the hybrid electrical lines with crosslink capacitor to solitary waves which are propagating in the new nonlinear hybrid electrical lines; we therefore, facilitate the choice of the type of line relative to the type of signal that we want to transmit.

Keywords: Hybrid electrical line, crosslink capacitor, construction, solitons solution, solitary wave, nonlinear partial differential equation, kink, pulse

How to Cite

Guy, Tiague Takongmo, and Jean Roger Bogning. 2019. “(Kink; Kink; Kink; Kink) and (Pulse; Pulse; Pulse; Pulse) Solutions of a Set of Four Equations Modeled in a Nonlinear Hybrid Electrical Line With Crosslink Capacitor”. Physical Science International Journal 22 (4):1-14. https://doi.org/10.9734/psij/2019/v22i430135.