Hubble Constant Tension in Terms of Information Approach

Boris Menin *

Mechanical and Refrigeration Consultation Expert, 9 Yakov Efrat St., Beer-Sheba 8464209, Israel.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: The purpose of this work is to formulate the theoretically justified information approach to analyze different methods of measuring Hubble’s constant, and to verify their advantages and disadvantages.

Place and Duration of Study: Mechanical & Refrigeration Consultation Expert, between June 2019 and November 2019.

Methodology: Due to the fact that any measurement model contains a certain amount of information about the studied object, comparative uncertainty is introduced, by which the least achievable relative uncertainty when measuring the Hubble constant is calculated.

Results: The experimental results of measuring the Hubble constant presented in the scientific literature are analyzed using the proposed information approach.

Conclusion: The information approach can be considered as an additional look at the Hubble constant tension. Most likely, this will help to understand the current situation and identify possible specific ways to solve it.

Keywords: Baryonic acoustic oscillations, brightness of standard candles, cosmic microwave background, Hubble constant, information theory, mathematical modelling, measurement, uncertainty.

How to Cite

Menin, Boris. 2019. “Hubble Constant Tension in Terms of Information Approach”. Physical Science International Journal 23 (4):1-15.