Tunneling-Induced Decay of Wave Packets Localized Beyond an Asymmetric Potential Barrier

Mikhail L. Strekalov *

Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The time behavior of a wave packet, transmitted through a potential barrier, is investigated for all times assuming it to be initially located outside the asymmetric barrier. The survival probability of the initial state, which characterizes the decay of the unstable quantum system in three time domains, is discussed. The presence of initial, exponential, and long-time regimes is a general feature of the decay process. We analytically found the three crucial points of time that separate these regimes. These characteristic times are set by simple formulae, including momentum distribution. It is then shown that the radius of convergence of the cumulant expansion for the survival probability is always small. A long-time behavior of survival probability is described by the asymptotic series whose coefficients decrease with increasing particle energy but at different rates. To be specific, we have examined the exactly solvable model of tunneling through a finite range triangular barrier.

Keywords: Time-dependent tunneling, survival probability, wave packet, cumulant expansion, triangular potential barrier

How to Cite

Strekalov, Mikhail L. 2020. “Tunneling-Induced Decay of Wave Packets Localized Beyond an Asymmetric Potential Barrier”. Physical Science International Journal 24 (4):32-47. https://doi.org/10.9734/psij/2020/v24i430187.