Dynamics of the Optical Pulse in a Nonlinear Medium: Approach of Moment Method Coupled with the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method

Fessomon Koki

International Chair of Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA-Unesco Chair), University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Gaston Edah

Departement de Physique, Facult ´ e des Sciences et Techniques, Benin

Minadohona Maxime Capo- Chichi *

Laboratory of Radiations Physics, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques, University of ´ Abomey-Calavi, Benin.

Gaetan Finagnon Djossou ´

International Chair of Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA-Unesco Chair), University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Camille Elloh

International Chair of Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA-Unesco Chair), University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Marc Ayela

Institute oh Mathematical and Physical Science, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In this paper, we considered the nonlinear Schrodinger equation and applied the moment method ¨ in order to investigate the evolution of pulse parameters in nonlinear medium. This mathematical model described the effects of cubic nonlinear and the nonlinear dispersion terms on the soliton.  The application of the moment method leads to variational equations that is integrated numerically by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The results obtained shows the variations of some important parameters of the pulse namely the energy, the pulse position, the frequency shift, the chirp and the width. It reveals the effects of the nonlinear dispersion and nonlinear cubic terms on each parameter on the pulse. The moment method is appropriate to study the dynamics of the
optical pulse in a nonlinear medium modelled by the nonlinear Schrodinger equation.

Keywords: Moment method, nonlinear Schrodinger equation. ¨

How to Cite

Koki, Fessomon, Gaston Edah, Minadohona Maxime Capo- Chichi, Gaetan Finagnon Djossou ´, Camille Elloh, and Marc Ayela. 2020. “Dynamics of the Optical Pulse in a Nonlinear Medium: Approach of Moment Method Coupled With the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method”. Physical Science International Journal 24 (9):8-17. https://doi.org/10.9734/psij/2020/v24i930211.