Strain Field Development of a Rectangular Dislocation Loop in a Semi-Infinite Medium with Verification

Luo Li

Mechanical Engineering Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Tariq A. Khraishi *

Mechanical Engineering Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This paper considers a rectangular Volterra dislocation loop lying beneath and parallel to a free surface in a semi-infinite material. The paper utilizes the displacement field of an  infinitesimal dislocation loop to obtain the strain field and then integrate over a finite rectangular area. For the loop, it can have three non-zero Burgers vector components. The stress field   is also obtained from Hooke’s law for isotropic materials. Analytical and numerical verifications of the strain and stress fields are performed. In addition, the effect of the free surface on  stresses is displayed versus depth from the surface. Verification includes satisfaction of the zero-traction boundary condition, the stress equilibrium equations and the strain compatibility  equations.

Keywords: Rectangular dislocation loop, half medium, strain/stress field, numerical/analytical verification

How to Cite

Li, Luo, and Tariq A. Khraishi. 2021. “Strain Field Development of a Rectangular Dislocation Loop in a Semi-Infinite Medium With Verification”. Physical Science International Journal 25 (1):23-38.