“ hv-Energy Packet floating in Front of the Wave Beam” Hybrid Structure of Photon and its Self-Interference in the Single Photon Double-Slits Experiment
Sennian Chen *
Department of Physics, (National) Hua Qiao University, Fujian, P. R. China.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
In the single photon double slits experiment, what mechanism makes the interference? Whether it is owing to the external factor or the photon has a special structure it can interfere photon itself to make the interference pattern? Because the photon is a quantum of EM radiation as Einstein proposed, so we start the study from an EM wave beam (an EM radiation). Under the demand of the symmetry and quantization, we found the wave beam is certainly circular polarized and covered by a side membrane. There is a pair of ± charges ±q and the circular tension distributes double helically along the side membrane. Quantization of charges requires
( k=2.3,...). Mechanical equilibrium among the helical distributed or, tension and the circular polarized EM field inside construct a steady structure to keep the quantized EM beam integrity, shape and size. Its energy hv concentrates in a cylindrical packet of radius R max and length , named -(energy) packet. With the aid of Einstein theory of spontaneous emission, we proved that the photon is consisted of the
energy packet and accompany with a conical - (EM) wave beam; -packet floats in front of the -wave. It is such hybrid structure that makes photon self interference in the double slits experiment.
Keywords: Side boundary membrane, -(energy) packet, -(EM) wave, hybrid structure of photon