Evolutionary Sequence of Spacetime and Intrinsic Spacetime and Associated Sequence of Geometries in Metric Force Fields I

O. Akindele Adekugbe Joseph *

Department of Physics, Ondo State University of Science and Technology, Center for the Fundamental Theory and Unification, Okitipupa, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Two classes of three-dimensional metric spaces are identified. They are the conventional three-dimensional metric space and a new ‘three-dimensional’ absolute intrinsic metric space. Whereas an initial flat conventional proper metric space IE′3 can transform into a curved three-dimensionalRiemannian metric space IM′3 without any of its dimension spanning the time dimension (or in the absence of the time dimension), in conventional Riemann geometry, an initial flat ‘three-dimensional’ absolute intrinsic metric space ∅IˆE3 (as a flat hyper-surface) along the horizontal, evolves into a curved ‘three-dimensional’ absolute intrinsic metric space ∅IˆM3, which is curved (as a curved hyper-surface) toward the absolute intrinsic metric time ‘dimension’ along the vertical, and it is identified as ‘three-dimensional’ absolute intrinsic Riemannian metric space. It invariantly projects a flat ‘three-dimensional’ absolute proper intrinsic metric space ∅IE′3ab along the horizontal, which is made manifested outwardly in flat ‘three-dimensional’ absolute proper metric space IE′3ab, overlying it, both as flat hyper-surfaces along the horizontal. The flat conventional three-dimensional relative proper metric space IE′3 and its underlying flat three-dimensional relative proper intrinsic metric space ∅IE′3 remain unchanged. The observers are located in IE′3. The projective ∅IE′3ab is imperceptibly embedded in ∅IE′3 and IE′3ab in IE′3. The corresponding absolute intrinsic metric time ‘dimension’ is not curved from its vertical position simultaneously with ‘three-dimensional’ absolute intrinsic metric space. The development of absolute intrinsic Riemannian geometry is commenced and the conclusion that the resulting geometry is more all-encompassing then the conventional Riemannian geometry on curved conventional metric space IM′3 only is reached.

Keywords: Conventional metric space, Riemann geometry, absolute intrinsic metric space, absolute intrinsic Riemann geometry

How to Cite

Joseph, O. Akindele Adekugbe. 2021. “Evolutionary Sequence of Spacetime and Intrinsic Spacetime and Associated Sequence of Geometries in Metric Force Fields I”. Physical Science International Journal 25 (10):1-20. https://doi.org/10.9734/psij/2021/v25i1030284.