Energy Performance Analysis of B1-3.5mm Burner Model of Fasobio-15 Biodigester Biogas Cookstoves
Noufou Bagaya *
Université Joseph KI-ZERBO 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Laboratoire d’Energies Thermiques Renouvelables (LETRE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Issaka Ouedraogo
Institut de Recherche en Sciences Appliquées et Technologies (IRSAT/CNRST) 03 BP 7047 Ouagadougou 03, Département Energie, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Daniel Windé Nongué Koumbem
Université Joseph KI-ZERBO 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Laboratoire d’Energies Thermiques Renouvelables (LETRE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Gwladys Wendwaoga Sandwidi
Programme National de Biodigesteurs du Burkina Faso (PNB-BF) 06 BP 10 261 Ouagadougou 06, Burkina Faso.
Florent Pelega Kieno
Université Joseph KI-ZERBO 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Laboratoire d’Energies Thermiques Renouvelables (LETRE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
In Burkina Faso, finding wood for cooking is still a headache for rural households due to the advancing desert. Here, we try to bring a new way for farmers who already have a biodigester and convince those who are reluctant to adopt this work to reduce their dependence on wood. For this purpose, a characterization of the energy performance of biogas stoves is carried out based on the three-phase water heating test protocol called Water Boiling Test (WBT). The fuel used in the study is the biogas produced by a batch biodigester fed with pig manure. The analysis of the produced biogas shows a methane content of 60% and maximum hydrogen sulfide of 400ppm. The heat balance shows a loss of 11% in the walls of the cookstove and about 36% in the flue gas. Thus the energy performance of the furnace is estimated at 53%, a combustion rate of 6.4 L /min and the average boiling time is 50 minutes. Given these results, we suggest that households use biogas fuel and the B1-3.5mm burner in the cookstove as a replacement for the other burners. We intend to carry out a controlled cooking test on this stove, a modeling of the biogas production and its consumption in this type of burner.
Keywords: Pig manures, biogas, Cookestoves burners, performance analysis.