Relativistic Effect of Non Rigid in Motion: Volume Contraction in All Directions; Space around it Warped

Runsheng Tu *

Department of Chemistry, Huanggang Normal University, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, China.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Ignoring the internal structure of moving objects and treating them as rigid bodies is not only out of practice but also inconsistent with the spirit of scientific exploration. To change this status quo, consider the relativistic effects of real object motion. Consider the mass-velocity relationship as an initial mechanism to discuss the effect of velocity on the space around an object and on the volume of the object. The relativistic mass-velocity relationship and the relationship between atomic radius and mass together constitute one of the physical mechanisms for the volume contraction of objects due to motion. A series of new conclusions are obtained, such as: the space distortion of a moving system with mass due to inertial motion at ultra-high speed, and even the generation of neutron like stars or black holes; the 3D contraction of objects due to motion; Because the empty space can neither bear nor exert force, in terms of mechanical performance, space and object are always independent of each other, and space cannot move (at most, its motion can only be set subjectively); Even maintaining inertial motion does not guarantee that space is flat, and special relativity can only be approximated at best. It shakes the position of the theoretical criterion of "covariance under Lorentz transformation". It lays a solid foundation for transforming the view of relative space-time into the view of relative absolute space-time and giving birth to the theory of relative absolute.

Keywords: Theory of relativity, rigid bodies, inertial motion, mass-velocity relation, 3D relativistic contraction, moving mass black hole, curved space, flat space

How to Cite

Tu, Runsheng. 2022. “Relativistic Effect of Non Rigid in Motion: Volume Contraction in All Directions; Space Around It Warped”. Physical Science International Journal 26 (2):34-46.