Biophysical Studies with Liquid Model Systems during the Conditions of Electric Corona Discharge and NaCl Solution
Ignat Ignatov *
Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB), 1111 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Ludmila Pesotskaya
Dnipro University of Technology, 49005 Dnipro, Ukraine and Dnipro State Medical University, 49044 Dnipro, Ukraine.
Georgi Gluhchev
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The effects of biophysical fields on water and model systems of aqueous solutions have been investigated. In two of three experimental models, an electric field was applied under conditions of corona gas discharge. The biophysical influence was exerted on 120 mL water samples. Following exposure to the biophysical fields, drops of the treated water were analyzed using corona gas discharge at the air-liquid interface. The control sample comprised water drops that were not exposed to biophysical fields. In the first method, the corona glow was examined as a function of the dielectric permittivity of the water. In the second method, brightness histograms of the corona discharge were analyzed. The third experimental approach utilized a physiological solution containing 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl). The comprehensive analysis, incorporating these three methodologies, facilitates a robust evaluation of the effects of biophysical fields on liquid systems.
Keywords: Corona electric discharge, water parameters, histogram, brightness