2020 - Volume 24 [Issue 9]

Original Research Article

Refutation of the Quantum Theory Principles: Theorem

V. E. Shapiro

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2020/v24i930210

Page: 1-7

Dynamics of the Optical Pulse in a Nonlinear Medium: Approach of Moment Method Coupled with the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method

Fessomon Koki, Gaston Edah, Minadohona Maxime Capo- Chichi, Gaetan Finagnon Djossou ´, Camille Elloh, Marc Ayela

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2020/v24i930211

Page: 8-17

Reformulating Special Relativity on a Two-World Background II

O. Akindele Adekugbe Joseph

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2020/v24i930215

Page: 34-67

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