2023 - Volume 27 [Issue 6]

Short Research Article

Effect of Temperature on the Radial Distribution Function of Atoms in the Silicate Glass 2sio2·PBO

M. E. Tursunov , A. T. Dekhkanov , G. Abdurakhmanov

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6805

Page: 1-4

Original Research Article

Impurity Bands and Density of State in Doped Silicate Glasses with Metal Oxides (RuO2, CuO, MnO2)

G. Abdurakhmanov, A. Dekhkanov, M. Tursunov, D. Tashmukhamedova

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6806

Page: 5-15

Assessment of Soil Pollution by Heavy Metals in the Market Gardening Areas of Korsimoro

Tougma Kiswendsida Alain, Bambara Telado Luc , Doumounia Ali , Inoussa Zongo, François Zougmoré

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6807

Page: 16-24

Theme: Thermal and Dynamic Study of Convection-Radiation Coupling in a Closed Enclosure

Sanembaye Adrien , Konfé Amadou , Toussakoe Karim , KY Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice , Bathiebo Dieudonné Joseph

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6808

Page: 25-33

Influence of Thermodynamic Arrow of Time on Entropy

Opio Peter , Akullo Lydia , Bwayo Edward

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6809

Page: 34-40

Noise Level Evaluation at Major Markets in Calabar, Nigeria

B. J. Ekah, J. U. Akwagiobe , C. N. Uda, U. J. Ekah, C. V. Akpan , E. C. Christopher

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6812

Page: 49-56

Statistical Analysis of the Physico-Chemical Characterization of Three Arid Soils in the Hadjer-Lamis Region, Chad

Timbe N’Djédanoum , Alain Ignassou Djinet, Gandema Soumaïla , François Ouedraogo , Bétaboalé Naon , Francois Zougmore

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6813

Page: 57-64

Quantum Physics in the Context of Countable and Uncountable Infinite Sets from the Perspective of Real Analysis

Gabriel Costa Vieira Arantes, Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6814

Page: 65-74

Determination of Optimal Geometry for an Empty Concentrator Augmented Wind Turbine

Chipo Shonhiwa , Golden Makaka, Patrick Mukumba , Ngwarai Shambira

DOI: 10.9734/psij/2023/v27i6815

Page: 75-90

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