Control Gain and Cost of Pinning Control for BA Scale-Free Networks

Zhengzhong Yuan *

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou 363000, China

Jianping Cai

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou 363000, China

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This paper investigates the pinning control strategy of BA scale-free network through numerical analysis. A new cost function is defined to measure the cost of pinning control. Compared with the control gain and the cost of pinning nodes with smallest degrees or biggest degrees, an interesting result is that a smaller control gain and a lower cost are achieved by using the control scheme of pinning nodes with smallest degrees. Moreover, there is a minimal control cost by pinning nodes with smallest degrees and biggest degrees, respectively. The number of controllers by pinning nodes with smallest degrees is considered finally.


Keywords: BA scale-free networks, pinning control, control gain, control cost

How to Cite

Yuan, Zhengzhong, and Jianping Cai. 2015. “Control Gain and Cost of Pinning Control for BA Scale-Free Networks”. Physical Science International Journal 5 (4):223-29.