Synergistic Use of Passive and Active Remote System Imagery: Review on Bangladesh Perspective

Subaran Chandra Sarker

Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh

Masum A. Patwary *

Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Remote sensing data are widely used in different sectors in all over the world. Remote sensing data are two types; one is active while another is passive remotely sensed data. In Bangladesh recently remote sensing data are widely used in different filed of applications while the application of remote sensing has started in the early 1970s. However, its uses are limited because lack of expertise and required financial support to obtain updated information and logistics support. The major users are SPARRSO (Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization), LGED (Local Government Engineering Department), Universities and CEGIS (Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services). The main objective of this paper is to explore the different uses of remote sensing data in different applications of Bangladesh.

Methodology: Study was done by accumulation of secondary published data through desk based literature review.

Results: Remote sensing data have mainly used in the environmental application, river dynamics, flood monitoring, coastal zone monitoring, wetland monitoring, agricultural monitoring, forestry and urban applications. In these above applications are mainly used Landsat, SPOT, IRS-LISS, Ikonos and Radarsat remote sensing data. At present the researches with remote sensing data are emerging slowly within two major organizations such as SPARRSO and CEGIS while the universities are lagging behind.

Conclusion: This study has revealed that if the government of Bangladesh will take the initiative to provide logistics support, remote sensing data applications area will be increased in near future which would be helpful to develop different infrastructural plan.


Keywords: Remote sensing, Active and Passive system, Landsat, SPOT, IRS

How to Cite

Chandra Sarker, Subaran, and Masum A. Patwary. 2015. “Synergistic Use of Passive and Active Remote System Imagery: Review on Bangladesh Perspective”. Physical Science International Journal 6 (1):1-14.