Financial Analysis of Photovoltaic Installations in Burkina Faso
Ladifata Mogmenga *
Department of Physics, Laboratory of REnewable Thermal Energies, University Ouaga I Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso.
Bouchaib Hartiti
Department of Physics, ERDyS Laboratory GMEEM and DD Group, Hassan II University of Casablanca, FSTM, BP 146, 20800, Mohammedia, Morocco and ICTP-UNESCO-IAEA, Trieste, Italy.
Amadou Diallo
Department of Physics, Laboratory of REnewable Thermal Energies, University Ouaga I Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso.
Adama Ouedraogo
Department of Physics, Laboratory of REnewable Thermal Energies, University Ouaga I Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso.
Nébon Bado
Department of Physics, Laboratory of REnewable Thermal Energies, University Ouaga I Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso.
S. Fadili
Department of Physics, ERDyS Laboratory GMEEM and DD Group, Hassan II University of Casablanca, FSTM, BP 146, 20800, Mohammedia, Morocco.
P. Thevenin
Department of Physics, LMOPS Laboratory, University of Lorraine, BP57070, Metz, France.
Joseph Dieudonné Bathiebo
Department of Physics, Laboratory of REnewable Thermal Energies, University Ouaga I Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This article focuses on the economic and financial calculations concerning the production of electrical energy from photovoltaic installations connected to the grid. The estimation of energy production is done in fifteen cities in Burkina Faso. Among these localities, ten cities are homes to synoptic stations. The economic return in terms of the return on investment of the electricity production from PV installations is calculated by using the method of budgeted capital. The cost of the energy produced by photovoltaic installations during their operational lives (taken here equal to 25 years) is calculated and compared with other economic parameters. The observation shows that Gaoua records the smallest production and that the highest production is recorded in Ouahigouya. The analysis of the cash flows generated by the operation of these PV installations shows that the profits are perceptible from the 8th year in Ouahigouya and the 9th year in Gaoua. An Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 14.42% is obtained in the locality of Ouahigouya. For locality of Gaoua the IRR is equal to13.72%. The calculation of Leveled Cost Of Energy (LCOE) gives an average value of 60 Fcfa / kWh for a discount rate of 4%. This value is almost equal to half the average price of electricity in Burkina Faso, which is 119 Fcfa / kWh.
Keywords: Solar photovoltaic energy, grid connection, capital budgeted, cash flow, average discounted cost of energy