Facilitating Physics Classroom Instruction Through the Use of Modern Electronic Device
Gabriel Odeh Ankeli *
Department of Physics, College of Education, Oju Benue State, Nigeria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The use of modern electronic devices (MED) in teaching and learning in classrooms has become imperative especially at this period of Covid-19 pandemic. This necessitated this paper which is to show the uses of Modern Electronic Device (MED) as an educational tool for impacting and prospecting in Physics Education and to highlight a few devices that can be used in the areas of Reading and Writing. Through the use of low-tech and high-tech devices, MED will be able to help students become better readers and writers. In the area of Reading, the use of MED will help students improve upon and build on their spelling abilities, and also better students’ decoding, listening, and oral skills. In the area of Writing, the use of MED will enable students to write neatly and legibly, to form letters correctly, and to write sentences that are grammatically correct. Electronic-learning tools such as internet, computers, e-mail facilities, multimedia, scanner, printer, VCD player and digital camera were discussed. The prospects of electronic learning in secondary schools were identified. The paper conclude that if teachers plan carefully and use modern electronic devices to enhance instruction throughout the school curriculum, Basic Science, reading and writing will not be the only subjects that students will benefit. It was suggested among other things that, the government should embark on computer training program for teachers. Teachers should be trained and retrained through in-service training, seminars, workshops and conferences for acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed for e-learning application in secondary schools in Nigeria. It was suggested that teachers need also to explore other avenues in their instructional curriculum where they can enhance learning through the use of MED.
Keywords: Modern electronic device, physics classroom, reading and writing