The Equation of State for Non-ideal Quark Gluon Plasma

N. M. El Naggar

Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University, Egypt

L. I. Abou Salem

Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University, Egypt

A. G. Shalaby *

Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University, Egypt

M. A. Bourham

Nuclear Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, USA

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The mass spectra of quarkonium systems at T= 0 are analyzed by solving the non-relativistic radial wave equation using the internal energy potential. The QGP matter is studied through the dissociations of quarkonium states. A modified form of the internal energy potential function is used to determine the EoS at different number of quark flavors by using Mayer's cluster expansion theory and phenomenological thermodynamic model. The thermodynamic model gives a good agreement with the lattice results rather than Mayer’s cluster expansion theory. One can conclude that, the Mayer’s cluster expansion theory may be more suitable to study a weakly coupled plasma while, the QGP may be considered as a strongly interacting plasma.


Keywords: QGP, QCD properties, Mayer cluster expansion

How to Cite

M. El Naggar, N., L. I. Abou Salem, A. G. Shalaby, and M. A. Bourham. 2014. “The Equation of State for Non-Ideal Quark Gluon Plasma”. Physical Science International Journal 4 (7):912-29.