Study of the Electrophysical Properties of "Surkhon-104" Grade Cotton Fibers Alloyed with \(KMnO_4\)

Umarova Saida Urokovna *

Karshi State University, Uzbekistan.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In this article, the physical properties of cotton fibers sort of "Surkhon-104" with thermal treatment were studied. The main results of the research are as follows. The electrophysical and photoelectrical properties of cotton fibers doped with KMnO4 were studied. The research was carried out in the temperature range of 300-360 K and voltage in the range of 0-100 V. Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity of cotton fibers was studied. It was proved that the current flowing from all samples prepared as a research object obeys Ohm's law. It was found that the photoconductivity caused by ultraviolet and visible light in the cotton fibers sample is mainly related to the formation of inter-zone electron-hole pairs. it was found that the electrical conductivity increased significantly due to the photogeneration of charge carriers. The long-term relaxation of photoconductivity was determined, which is related to the localization of electrons to Et2=Ec-1,5 eV levels.

Keywords: Cotton fiber, electrical conductivity, photoconductivity, volt-ampere characteristic, diffusion

How to Cite

Urokovna, Umarova Saida. 2024. “Study of the Electrophysical Properties of ‘Surkhon-104’ Grade Cotton Fibers Alloyed With \(KMnO_4\)”. Physical Science International Journal 28 (5):62-66.