Neutron Capture by 15N Nucleus at Astrophysical Energies

S. B. Dubovichenko *

Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute, “NCSRT” NSA RK, 050020, Almaty, Kazakhstan

N. V. Afanasyeva

Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute, “NCSRT” NSA RK, 050020, Almaty, Kazakhstan and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan

N. A. Burkova

Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute, “NCSRT” NSA RK, 050020, Almaty, Kazakhstan and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Within the potential cluster model with the forbidden states and an orbital states classification according to the Young diagrams the possibility of description of experimental data for the total cross-sections of radiative neutron capture by 15N at energies from 25 to 370 keV was considered. It was shown that only on basis of the E1-transitions from the different states of n+15N-scattering to the ground state of 16N nucleus in n+15N-channel it is well succeed to explain the value of the total cross-sections in the considered energy range and to prognosticate its behavior at energy E 1 eV. These cross-sections at energies E 10 keV are approximated by the simple analytical form.

Keywords: Potential cluster model, radiative neutron capture, young diagrams, astrophysical energies

How to Cite

B. Dubovichenko, S., N. V. Afanasyeva, and N. A. Burkova. 2014. “Neutron Capture by 15N Nucleus at Astrophysical Energies”. Physical Science International Journal 4 (4):636-48.