Energy Management Optimizing in Multi Carrier Energy Systems Considering Net Zero Emission and CHP Temperature Effects
Seyed Morteza Moghimi *
Department of Electrical Engineering, Jasb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jasb, Iran
Gholamreza Sarlak
Department of Electrical Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: The aim of the paper is to create two different models of integrated energy systems (HUBs) that improve combined approach of CHP temperature and net zero emission (NZE) effects.
Study Design: The design model includes two energy HUBs with different characteristics in one hour and twenty-four hours. The cost function of these models are composed of two parts: Part one is related to generation cost and part two is related to emission cost.
Place and Duration of Study: IAU, Iran, January 2015 - January 2016.
Methodology: The model scenario is obtained through MINLP solver of GAMS software version 24.1.2, MATLAB software version 2013 and Excel software version 2010.
Results: The simulation results have shown existence of NZE constraint can that use amounts of carriers that include pollution reduction then and in addition, with costs reduction caused by pollution reduction.
Conclusion: This paper studies the optimization in energy HUB. Also, the paper has improved combined approach of temperature and emission effects for HUB. The cost function of paper models are composed of two parts; Generation cost and emission cost. The emission penalties caused by change of carriers and generation of toxic gas. Then, combined heat and power (CHP), NZE, ambient temperature equations and constraints on models equations have been investigated. In addition, the innovations of paper are pollution calculation and optimization of the entries in terms of output, weighted coefficient of pollution, adding temperature effect on CHP performance and it’s optimization with optimization in generation by minimizing pollution, adding NZE constraint and finding the optimum economic capacity for equipment purchase without paying to additional costs.
Keywords: Ambient temperature effects of CHP, net zero emission (NZE), energy carriers, energy HUB, GAMS software